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Our office is situated at No. 138, Dajie Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 436, Taiwan (R.O.C.). We oversee three administrative districts: Chin Shui, Sha Lu, and Wu Chi. Established on 9 February 1953, our office was separated from the Ta Chia Land Office of Taichung County. Initially, we rented office space at 141, Jhong Shan Road, Chin Shui Village, Chin Shui Town, from the Chin Shui Township Farmer's Association. However, as our workload increased, the original office became inadequate.

In 1978, we obtained approval to construct a new office on provincial-owned land at our current location. We relocated to the new office on 14 November of the same year. Initially, our office had only 18 staff members, but by 1975, the employee count had risen to 38. Presently, we employ a total of 79 individuals.


Qingshui Land Office building

2.Director Information & Organization

  • Director Information: Wu,Chin-Sheng 



  • Services and Responsibilities:Departments and Duties
    Section Introduce
    First Section Responsible for review, approval and verification of land and building registration
    Management of properties which have not completed succession procedures
    Issuance of photocopied registration records
    Management of registration application files
    Management of land registration warehouse
    Second Section Survey/measurement of lands and buildings (division,merger, boundary setting, etc.)
    Issuance of photocopied land registration maps and building layout maps
    Management of land and building survey application files
    Management of land registration map warehouse
    Third Section Responsible for price fixing based on average land rights
    Preparation of current land price announcements
    Calculation of land price following land divisions and mergers
    Survey of unoccupied land and fixing of other land prices based on laws and regulations
    Forth Section

    Responsible for change of land type
    Adjustment of district division for non-city land
    Usage category affairs
    Survey of twisty land units
    Survey of public land
    Acceptance and delivery of documents
    Management of official documents
    General/accounting affairs

    Responsible for research and study

    Information Section

    Land information statistics
    Land information electronic processing
    Single window for document issuance
    Management and maintenance of land administration  database



3.Contact Us

Qingshui Land Office of Taichung City – Main Telephone Number:886-4-26237141 (total 8 lines)
Mobile Phone Main Number: 886-972-539487
Land Registrar – Fax Number: 886-4-26221090
Land Registration Map and Land Price Certificates – Fax Number:886-4-26237843


address book 







First Section


Second Section


Third Section


Forth Section


Information Section


Accounting Office


Personal Office




Address: No.138, Dajie Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 43654, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2024-05-10
  • 發布日期: 2020-03-03
  • 發布單位: 臺中市清水地政事務所
  • 點閱次數: 6657